Congratulations on making it to the last post in making a tokenizer. Let’s jump right in and bring in our imports. We’ll be making use of the re library along to the and files we made earlier.

import re
import exceptions
import grammar

Let’s define a tokenizer class scaffolding and outline the class methods. Generally methods are functions that are defined inside a class.

class Tokenizer:
    def __init__(self):

    def __tokenize_pipeline(self):

    def tokenize(self):

The double-underscore in __tokenize_pipeline indicate that it is a private method. Private meaning for internal use inside the class only.

Let’s look into these methods a little more deeply.

  • __tokenize_pipeline - Check each token against the rules, breaking it up if it doesn’t pass and recursively call itself on the smaller tokens.

  • tokenize - Return a list of tokens.

Instance Variables

So let’s modify the the __init__ method create a few variables upon object instantiation.

def __init__(self):
    self.rules = grammar.RULES
    self.rule_list = list(grammar.RULES)
    self.exception_lexicon = exceptions.LEXICON
    self.accepted_tokens = None

Notice we’re importing our grammar rules and exceptions lexicon into the tokenizer. We also create a variable that will eventually hold our tokens, accepted_tokens. Accepted meaning that the token either was in our lexicon of exceptions or passed every rule defined in our grammar. Notice that we also generate a list of our grammar rules. This list is in order the order they were added, thus the order in which they will be applied.


Let’s build our tokenizer function. The reason for the reassignment of self.accepted_tokens as an empty list is to clear the cache of tokens so that when called in succession there won’t be tokens from previously processed documents.

def tokenize(self, string):
    self.accepted_tokens = []
    tokens = (token for token in string.split())
    for token in tokens:

    return self.accepted_tokens

tokens = (token for token in string.split()) is a pretty interesting. It may seem at first glace that this just a typical list comprehension, but notice than rather than square brackets [], parenthesis are used. It’s a generator comprehension. A list comprehension would immediately split the entire string and load it into memory. A generator comprehension on the other hand makes use of lazy loading. A generator yields a single token as needed needed so extraneous memory is not used. As documents range in size, this saves memory, which will help prevent the program from slowing. See Reduce Memory Usage and Make Your Python Code Faster Using Generators for more information. We call the our NLP pipeline on every token in the generator. Lastly we return accepted_tokens. At this point the tokenizer structure is complete. All that remains is to establish the pipeline.

Tokenize Pipeline

The tokenize function breaks a string into individual tokens and then calls __tokenize_pipeline on each one.

def __tokenize_pipeline(self, token):
    if token in self.exception_lexicon:
        self.accepted_tokens += self.exception_lexicon[token]
        continue_matching = True
        rule_index = 0

        while continue_matching:
            rule = self.rule_list[rule_index]
            match = re.match(self.rules[rule], token)
            if match:
                for group in match.groups():
                    if group:
                        continue_matching = False
                if rule == self.rule_list[-1]:
                    continue_matching = False
                    rule_index += 1

First order of business is to check if the token is an exception. If it is, add the exceptions value to accepted tokens. Remember the dictionary key is is the exception token and the value is a list with the curated tokens. accepted_tokens. If a token isn’t an exception, we check it against it each against each rule. If the token fails a rule, (or the token is matched by the regex), it is immediately broken into its constituent groups defined by the rule. Then we call __tokenize_pipeline recursively on every every subsequent token.

Rather than a while loop, a for loop is probably more intuitive, but a while loop avoids having to use a break statement to stop moving on to the next rule.

Now when a token passes rule. We check to see if the rule being checked was the last rule. If it isn’t, the rule_index is augmented by 1 and the check is performed with a new rule. If the last rule passes, then the token is added to accepted_tokens, where the process beings again with a new token.


The demo here is pretty simple. We created a few example lines. Feel free to include your own. We instantiate a tokenizer object, and call its tokenize method on every line. Boom! Tokenization. Remember this is in the file.

import tokenizer

lines = [
    "Hi, how are you?",
    "What's up, John?",
    "I hear that Google's looking to purchase #yourcompany for $10 million!",
    "I'm really starting to dig this NLP Notebook blog.",
    "What's your E.T.A.? I really have to know.",
    "I have $43, while you have €3.32.",

tokenizer = tokenizer.Tokenizer()

tokenized_lines = [tokenizer.tokenize(line) for line in lines]
for line in tokenized_lines:
Hi , how are you ?
What 's up , John ?
I hear that Google's looking to purchase #yourcompany for $ 10 million !
I 'm really starting to dig this NLP Notebook blog .
What 's your E.T.A.? I really have to know .
I have $ 43 , while you have € 3.32 .

If you’re not sure how to run the file from the terminal or command line. It’ll be something like:


That is to say:

path\to\python path\to\


In the last post we added a few tests to verify the regex we created were those we intended. Now, that the entire tokenizer built. New tests need to be added to verify it is working as intended. Here are the tests I added, but it wouldn’t hurt to add more. Is the system really working as intended? What improvements could be made?

# Test rules.
def test_inital_punctuation_rule():
    inital_punctuation_testdata = {
        '"Hi' : ['"', 'Hi'],
        '\'Hi' : ['\'', 'Hi'],
        '-Hi' : ['-Hi'],
        '""hi' : ['""hi'],
    for test, answer in inital_punctuation_testdata.items():
        assert TOKENIZER.tokenize(test) == answer

def test_final_punctuation_rule():
    final_punctuation_testdata = {
        'Say,' : ["Say", ','],
        'Hi...' : ['Hi', '.', '.', '.'],
        'Like this:' : ['Like', 'this', ':'],
        'E.T.' : ['E.T.'],
        'etc.' : ['etc', '.'],
    for test, answer in final_punctuation_testdata.items():
        assert TOKENIZER.tokenize(test) == answer

def test_all_punctuation_rule():
    all_punctuation_testdata = {
        '",' : ["\"", ','],
        '\',' : ["\'", ','],
    for test, answer in all_punctuation_testdata.items():
        assert TOKENIZER.tokenize(test) == answer

def test_currency_amount_rule():
    currency_amount_testdata = {
        '$5.00' : ['$', '5.00'],
        '¥32' : ['¥', '32'],
        '¥35.00' : ['¥', '35.00'],
        '€23.00' : ['€', '23.00'],
        '€1.23,' : ['€', '1.23', ','],
    for test, answer in currency_amount_testdata.items():
        assert TOKENIZER.tokenize(test) == answer

def test_exceptions():
    exceptions_testdata = {
        "don't" : ["do", "n't"],
        "isn't" : ["is", "n't"],
        "What's" : ["What", "'s"],
        "what's" : ["what's"],
        "I'm" : ["I", "'m"],
    for test, answer in exceptions_testdata.items():
        assert TOKENIZER.tokenize(test) == answer

Suggestions for Future Tokenizer Updates

  1. Add support for borrowed words like café. How many diacritics does English usually import?
  2. Allow for English plural possessives: e.g. “cats’”
  3. Make a rule to split tokens with internal punctuation like E.T.A. better.
  4. Add more tests, e.g. sentences.

Remember for every change to the grammar, add new tests. Fortunately, most of the time, you won’t have to build a tokenizer yourself. Don’t forget to the source code is available if you want to compare. Check out a few packages that have tokenizers.

  • NLTK has few tokenizers made for generic and specialized domains like tweets from Twitter.

  • SpaCy

  • Spark NLP